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Consumer experience

Make Every Consumer Experience Magical

Start offering a magical experience for your consumers, accelerating online sales and simplifying the end-user process from storefront consideration through product delivery.

Elevate Your Brand's
Consumer Experience

For brands that want to deliver a superior pre-purchase & post-
purchase brand experience – from delivery promise, to order notification and tracking, through product return – that delights each consumer

How It Helps You

Drive e-commerce conversions by offering a known and accurate delivery date on your marketplace site

Control your brand experience from pre-purchase through delivery

Provide a great delivery experience with shipping options and meeting promised delivery dates

Reduce support overhead with branded order tracking and transactional emails that leverage the most up-to-date data possible and reduce WISMO queries

Simplify your tech stack with a plug & play solution that consolidates your technology and reduces system complexity

Boost follow up engagement through branded pages rather than losing traffic to delivery carriers’ sites

Why You Need It

In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, you need to offer actual delivery promise dates – that consumers can count on – if you want to boost conversions on your e-commerce website.

And to reduce overhead for your Customer Service team, you need to put crucial data directly in the hands of your end consumers to answer their own questions.


Limited generic and vague Standard / Express shipping options?

Overstretched Customer Service teams?

Frustrated consumers wondering where their packages are?

How Consumer Experience Works

pre-purchase delivery promise

Drive E-Commerce Conversions

Display estimated delivery dates (EDDs) on your e-commerce (Shopify) website, driving conversions and average order value via a frictionless consumer experience.

  • Easily add accurate delivery promise dates to your storefront (product detail page or checkout) with a simple Shopify plugin; no development required - it's plug & play
  • Benefit from cross-carrier rate shopping to meet the promised delivery date

POST-purchase Experience

Deliver Complete Branded Experience 

Offer a branded package tracking portal for end consumers to access and view their order statuses. Deliver branded, high engagement email notifications with customizable updates on order progress.

Consumer Email Notifications

  • Branded email notifications
  • Email alert configuration
  • Configurable event-based updates on order progress (e.g., order packed, order shipped, out for delivery, etc.)
  • Guides consumers to the branded
    tracking portal

Consumer Portal

  • Branded package tracking portal for end consumers to access and view order statuses
  • Continuous order progress updates
  • Delivery tracking events (regardless of carrier)
  • Link and branding customization

Deliver a Magical Experience:
Speed, Savings, and Satisfaction

Stord Consumer Experience transforms your brand's pre-purchase and post-purchase experiences.

Drive conversions, reduce overhead, and deliver a magical consumer experience that keeps your customers coming back for more.

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to the Next Level

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